Thursday 30 June 2016

It's Not The Critic Who Counts

Hey you guys!! It's been a while and once again, I have been busy with school and coaching other people in their online endeavors which I am absolutely loving. I really enjoy helping other people achieve their dreams and I have undergone soooo much training to be able to do this. One thing about network marketing is that most people try to recruit as many people into their business as possible. This can work but if you look at the numbers for top earners in the industry, some have teams of less than 50 and some have teams of more than 200! The thing that both of them have in common is that both of these have around 10 people on their team that are responsible for helping them succeed. The other people are part-time network marketers who have smaller goals for their business and a few of them have given up on their business-- which is not a problem at all. Network marketing isn't for everyone. It takes a special kind of person who is willing to believe in themselves no matter what obstacles or negativity step into their path. You have to be highly self motivated and have an unwavering desire to succeed. I truly believe that everyone has this quality somewhere inside them but all too often, we decided to take the easier route instead of facing the fear of failure. But do you want to know a secret? As long as you keep moving forward and taking small steps each day, you honestly cannot fail. Let me say that again so it has a chance to really sink in. You have to do something each and every day that's going to get you closer to achieving your goal.Whether it's business or personal, we ALL have goals and dreams. It saddens me when I see other people giving up on their dreams when they are so much closer than they would ever realize.

I did that once.... gave up on my dream. I was in college to get my degree in biochemistry. Ever since I was 16 years old, that had been my dream. College was a major shock for me. My chemistry professor didn't go over any of the material and the full time class load with a double major in psychology was too much for me especially as I had been going through some medical issues. I was not doing well at all in chemistry. In fact, I was failing. This was a new experience for me and taking on a lot wasn't anything new in my life. I was the kind of student that everyone loves to hate. Overachiever, often the teacher's pet, quiet, focused on learning, not many friends, shy, and determined. My senior year, I found out that many of my peers thought I was completely stuck up since I rarely talked to anyone. That couldn't have been further than the truth! I had debilitating social anxiety and didn't even know how to strike up a conversation with another human being. I would talk to you if you talked to me first, but no one wants to get to know someone like that and I can't say that I can blame them. My home life wasn't the best so overloading my schedule and keeping myself too busy to think kept me occupied and out of the house. I played the piano in zero hour jazz band (did you know that there were classes that started before school officially started for the day?!), I was in the concert band, pep band, played piano for the choir and drama club when they needed someone, I was a junior varsity cheerleader (I thought it would help me make friends and it kind of did), I had piano lessons after school once a week, and I was in horse 4-H (it's a horse club where you learn about horses and ride them etc). Not only was I in 4-H, I was in several groups within 4-H! Trail, jumping, horsebowl (like a quiz team but for horse topics haha), and I did lots of horse shows. Looking back I do not know how I even lived through all of that!!

I sound like the least likely person to succeed in a business that requires me being out of my comfort zone and striking up conversations with new people every single day, don't I?! And I am telling you now that every single day, I overcome anxiety and not only speak to complete strangers but do youtube videos and speak with people on the phone to help them get over their obstacles. You see, this is more than a job until I graduate with my degree in 2 years! That's right, I did go back to school-- online. Full time. While being a full time mommy and working basically 2 online businesses. I am still that insufferable overachiever and I can't help it. I do now know when to stop pushing myself though and when to not be too hard on myself. If I (and millions of other people) can succeed in living their dreams then what's stopping you? You can do anything that millions of other people can do. No one has special advantages and secrets that you don't have. Some people are further in their journey and have more knowledge and contacts but that's an advantage for YOU! Why? Because when you're the first person to ever do something, there's no one to go to for help or advice. There are no success stories to keep you motivated. It just you. You and your belief that things will work out with no facts or statistics to back it up. Going against all odds and having people laugh in your face when you fail. Yes, you may experience some of this but start surrounding yourself with like-minded people and the words of critics won't reach your ears. You are enough. Believe it. Live it. Know it. And the world will too.  

Today, I leave you with this excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt's 1910 speech given in Paris called "Citizenship In A Republic" (excerpt entitled "The Man in the Arena"). It's one of my favorites. and gives me strength when I'm wavering:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 

As always, if you found value in this post drop me a comment below or connect with me on Younique by Jenneal Facebook Page!

Monday 14 March 2016

March Madness (Younique Style)

Hey! March has been another busy month for me and the company! We had an amazing product launch on the first of the month and the internet went completely insane. We added self tanner (FINALLY), tinted lip balm, a new foundation brush, lash curler, liquid eyeliner to the line up. When Younique first started out, it was easy to see who the all star was (clearly the 3D Fiber Lashes because that's where it all began!) But now there are so many other fantastic players on the team that it's hard to make a firm decision on who the MVP is anymore! You see what I've done there? Yeah I totally ran with the whole 'March Madness' thing but I have to stop myself here or it'll get a bit tedious!

As for myself,  I have gone from 150 followers on Twitter to 400 in a week and a half which I honestly can't believe! I remember when I hit 75 followers two months ago and I was crazy excited. I never thought this whole online marketing thing would go so well or be so fun! I have put a lot of time into it because, after all, it is my very own business and I want to do well but I really have enjoyed every moment of it and the success that has come along for the ride. If you would have asked me a year ago when I first tried the Younique 3D Fiber Lashes if I would ever become a presenter, I would have said no. My previous venture in the world of direct sales was quite traumatizing but this has been the exact opposite.

It's still such a strange feeling when people I don't know come up to me and compliment me on my makeup. My makeup wasn't bad looking before but I think it's the change in self confidence along with even better makeup skills. That's what doing YouTube videos and taking selfies for a living does for you! And I can actually have full on conversations with these people and not feel like I want to be swallowed into the floor. So, where are my sales at? I am so glad you asked! As you know, the month of February didn't exist on my Younique radar because of university classes being insane! As of 6pm today I am only $95 away from hitting yellow. I'm 90% of the way there. And it was so random as well. Here I was hosting a facbook party and no one had messaged me about placing an order or anything. I just randomly went onto my website to look up some products for my mom and there it was. Just sitting in my orders list, all neat and tidy. That feeling definitely does not get old! It's surprisingly addictive, I must add. If you haven't had that feeling yet you are definitely missing out. It goes a little something like this, "oh yeah just minding my own business having dinner and I got PAID." That pretty much sums it up.

Now for everything else, I still love my team. They are literally the most phenomenal women and they're all together in one group, rocking their business and supporting one another. And I have yet to see any drama which is unheard of and very refreshing. So that covers the money, team..... hmmmmmm what else is there? Oh yes, the haters. I am pleased to say that I haven't come across any so far. I think people expect you to act a certain way-- spamming, being unbearably sales-y, etc--- and when you aren't like that they don't really know what to do with themselves. I'm still, as ever, on the hunt for cons but I've only come up with pros so far. I will keep you updated though! Ok well maybe one minor con, I want the makeup. All. Of. It. But I did before anyway so it's not really a huge change, only now I have a legitimate business reason to treat myself!

Live Chat Updated Details!

Hi! So I just realised that I didn't post the time of the live chat which might be problematic! It's still Thursday, March 17 2016 and is at 1pm GMT. Also, if there are any topics you want me to cover please comment below so I can make sure to get to them! I will be on email and have my blog up if you have further questions as I go but I want to be sure to add as much value to this chat as I can and I can only do that if you give me a feel for what kind of information you're after. Speak soon!!

Friday 11 March 2016

Live Chat with Me!

Hey everyone! For the last several weeks I've been doing a lot of research, asking questions and getting answers from online marketing experts that are highly rated in the field and I have so much to share with you! I've been giving tips to my fellow Younique ladies and they have been doing such an awesome job! Why have I been doing this, you ask? Why don't I just use the exact same methods as everyone else in any online marketing business? Well, first off, I do use those techniques but I have also come across sooooo many that (many) other people either don't know about or just don't care enough about growing their business to try. I COULD just be content selling on facebook to my friends and family and I would make money doing that. There's no right or wrong way to run your business but that isn't what I want. I am going to the top and that means that I don't want to rely on the people I already know because that is such a small number compared to all of the rest of the people in the world!

That's the first part of the answer. The second part is, I'm doing it for you. That's right, YOU. The person who has taken time to read my blog and follow my journey. You may have been silent up until this point but it's now time to speak up and make a better future for yourself. I now have the training and tools to guide you and help you succeed. I can show you exactly how to work your business-- even if it isn't makeup. If you've been keeping up with my blog then you're already (at least midly) interested in my business, how it's going for me, and what I think of it so you can make the choice for yourself. I could literally type all day, writing up all of the amazing things about this company and what it's doing for me but you don't need to hear that because you already know. You want to know what I can do for you and how I can help YOU succeed. So, without further ado, I am going to be having a live chat on Thursday (March 17, 2016) on periscope (details below and male sure to add me in advance so you don't miss it!). I will answer any questions you have and support you in any way possible. I can give you some makeup tips and tricks, if that's what you're after or talk to you about how to succeed in the business you already have. Am I perfect? No. Do I have more to learn? Yes of course!!! Am I an expert? No. But I will say this: out of all of the people I've come across, I haven't met anyone who is doing this. Especially not for people who aren't in their sales family tree. I will work as hard as you do to get you to your goals and you aren't just a number. I want everyone to have every single tool I've learned and together we will find your strengths and utilize them for your success. That's what I'm about and that's the kind of person I am. Everyone told me that I'm too nice, caring, and sweet to be in a sales job. (I don't feel like I'm ever selling anything btw! I just talk to people, listen well, and help them). They told me you have to be ruthless, dishonest, and stop caring about others so much. What kind of advice is that?! That's not someone I would want to be around so why would I act that way?! I wouldn't, I haven't, and I won't. I'm not putting down anyone who is like that but this definitely isn't the business for you. You have put the welfare of your team and customer first. If you think I can provide you with value then come chat with me! If you want to skip the chat and start your business right now, follow this link :) Set Up Your Younique Business

Thursay March, 17, 2016
Periscope (it's a free app): @JennealR89

See you soon!

Monday 1 February 2016

February Reset!

Hi everyone! February is upon us and all the tickers have been reset to 0! I've already set my goals for the month and am super excited to get the ball rolling. I also have been doing loads of research into how I can help The Younique Foundation which is the pioneer of Defend Innocence. It's a charity who's mission is to educate parents and prevent child sexual abuse. Having 2 children of my own, this cause is very dear to my heart so I have set up a direct debit from my paychecks to donate to the charity. I am also looking at volunteer opportunities within the charity, and am making my pledge to #DefendInnocence. Some people may look at me and think I'm 'just selling makeup' but it's much more than that. Aside from donating to DefendInnocence, I am also doing everything in my power to uphold the Younique values to "uplift, empower, validate, and ultimately build self-esteem in women around the world". Just typing that brings me so much joy because I really want to help everyone! That's why I'm doing full time online university to get my biochemistry degree. Yes, I love science but ever since I can remember, I have had the strongest feeling that helping people is what I'm meant to do--and I love it! So, in 2.5 years when I graduate, I am going to either go into disease research or genetics to do just that. And I don't see myself giving up Younique because it has just been amazing.

In my last post, I wrote that I was half way to my goal and I am so pleased to announce that not two days later, I am now 60% there! I have made even more friends with new team members which on it's own is fantastic! I've only ever had guy friends and, to be honest, feel a bit uncomfortable around women which is probably down to my own silliness and not knowing what to talk about! You'd never think something as small as 'just selling makeup' could do all that.

As ever, here's the link to my site so you can see what I'm talking about! See you soon! Younique by Jenneal

Friday 29 January 2016

Half Way!!!

It happened again!!! I was up until 3am for the second night in a row with my poor sick boy and I got a call from a customer wanting to order some makeup. I was stoked, to put it mildly! And then the best thing happened. I went to sleep. No, not that but I was happy to get some zzzzzs. This morning I checked my website and I had 3 orders of mascara on top of the order I knew about which puts me halfway to yellow status in exactly 20 days! (I figured out the count again) :) The mascara is one of the best sellers because it really is the best out there, as is everything else, but the mascara gets a lot of attention! This puts me half way to my yellow promotion which gives me more commission AND you can never drop below yellow once you achieve it.

I was chatting with my team yesterday and I found out that most other direct sales companies make you pay for your website and do auto-shipments. I was absolutely horrified and I had no idea! Younique does not do this which I am so grateful for. I am also on my way to earning a free spot on the cruise to Cozumel, Mexico! That would be such a dream come true and I'm working my butt off to achieve it! Can you imagine after joining in January, getting to go on a free cruise in October? No? I can! and it's starting to look really good for me. My goal for the year is to hit black status but before that, I am going to get fast start and get some more team members. I am so grateful for this job that just fell into my life and has worked out so well and I really want to be able to share the joy and financial freedom that I have already been able to enjoy with others!! Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to better their situation and with Younique it honestly couldn't be easier. The presenter's kit only cost me £65 ($99) and you saw how awesome that was!!!!! And I love that the makeup is ALL FOR ME haha. Might be a little selfish but I am so happy that I didn't have to use it to demo on other people. That was the main reason that I signed up in the first place!

I just want to thank all of you who have taken the time to follow my journey. Every day, I see that more and more people are reading this and even though I don't know who you are, it makes me so happy and thankful! Feel free to subscribe to my blog and share it with your friends. And when you decide that you need this in your life as much as I do, send me a message and I'll help you out! You'll be part of an amazing team and these ladies I have already met have become like family to me. We share each other's days and chat constantly-- not just about makeup-- but everything and they are super supportive and helpful. None of us leave the others to fend for themselves and the training and friendships are worth more than anything else to me!

Sunday 24 January 2016

Exciting News!! Day 9-13

I have such exciting news to share!!! I am #1 on my team for sales so far this month and we have a lot of fabulous presenters so I am super pleased and proud :) I also just remembered that I haven't posted a picture of my Younique presenter's kit yet!! It arrived on day 4 and was packed full of goodies!! I have already gotten so much use out of it and have created several new looks. The Moodstruck 3D+ Fiber Mascara has a new formula and packaging than it did when I bought it last and I can hardly believe that I love it even more! It's now water resistant and both of the tubes have viewing windows so you can see when you're running out which is super helpful!

Day 13 - Oh forget it, I've already lost count!

I have a confession to make and for some reason, I find it a little embarrassing but I'm going to tell you anyway:

I am so in love with my job. Going in to this, I honestly never thought that I'd say that. I LOVE working from home and doing social networking AND I have never kept in contact so well with my friends and family. I feel like you're almost not supposed to love a 'sales' job or tell anyone you do, lest you get classed as a social pariah. But don't worry, I haven't turned into one of those insufferable used car salesman type 'sales person'. To be completely honest, I don't even try to sell anything. I just share my love for this makeup and, boy, do I have a lot of that!

It might surprise you to learn that I have always been pretty socially awkward. I don't like meeting new people or talking to strangers so this whole entirely online thing sounded awesome to me. Not to mention--discounts!!!! But, after only a couple of weeks I find that my confidence levels are through the roof. Not only do I now have something to talk about when I meet new people, I have actually gone up to total strangers and started a conversation with them. Did you hear me?? TOTAL STRANGERS! If you would have asked me if I would ever do that, even a month ago, I would have laughed nervously and ran away. I see a career on the horizon and I have never been so excited and fired up to go. This is coming from a person who has worked in sales in the past and loathed it. I don't think I can even put into words how much I hated my previous jobs but here it goes. I used to walk toward my office with my stomach in knots and a sense of impending doom. And that feeling that my breakfast was about to eject itself at any moment without my consent. Even writing this, that feeling is coming back. I didn't like being yelled at and was on the verge of tears every single day. I would go home and dread having to do it all again the next day. And I'm going to let you in on a little secret, those horrible experiences alone made me afraid to even try to get a job again, even though I desperately needed one. 

It makes me wonder who else out there is having the same exact reaction to their job or past jobs? I bet it's a lot of you! What I want you to come away with today from this short little post is that you can change your life. Whether it's with Younique, going back to school, changing careers, moving to a new town or even a new country, just take the plunge and go for it! What's the worst that can happen? It doesn't work out and you get to find something else to fulfil you. No matter which way you look at it, you'll be rid of something that's making you unhappy and bringing in new potential and possibilities.

That's all for today and I look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow! If you missed it before, here's the link to my site where you can shop, host a party, or join my team. Thanks for following!

Friday 15 January 2016

Day 4-8 (Update and Uplift Eye Serum Review!)

How fast the time flies! I honestly can't believe it's been over a week now and it's been crazy busy-- but in a good way! I've spent more time the last few days on marketing than on sales because I really need to expand my customer base further than just my family and friend groups. The first orders have been delivered and I have gotten so much good feedback about the makeup (uh yeah, duh!). I'm well on my way to reaching my fast start targets, which are: 2000 in sales and 3 recruits in the first 90 days. So that's basically all of the housekeeping items for the last few days. 

Before I give you a review of the Uplift Eye Serum I tried last night, I just want everyone to know that I will always give you my true and honest thoughts on any of the products. If I love it, you'll know and if I don't, I'll be sure to tell you. Because, this business is based on reputation and I can't (and won't) recommend any product that I wouldn't buy for myself! Now that that's out of the way, on to my review! 

Last night I tried the Uplift Eye Serum (by Younique, of course) for the first time. I honestly didn't think any products like this worked and just assumed they were a rip off aimed at, ahem,a more mature audience. But I had a sample in my kit so why not give it a go (am I right?!) And literally after just putting it on the one time, the difference was astounding! I went to sleep at 2am the night before because my 2 year old son, Brannon, decided to have a lovely nap from 4pm-9pm so he then awoke all full of beans. I slept on the couch with him so it wasn't a very restful 3.5 hours of sleep by the time my alarm clock screamed at me. The next day, of course, my eye bags and wrinkles were worse than ever. Now I know what you're thinking, "Honestly Jenneal, you're only 26 how can you possibly claim to suffer from such asthetic flaws and I can't see any of these 'wrinkles' or 'bags' in your profile picture." My answer: the picture is an artistic shot with the right lighting and filters. Ahh the magic of technology! But trust me, 5 years with only a handful of full nights' sleep takes its toll! 

Below are some unedited, unfiltered photos and even in the pictures of me wearing makeup (applied after showering using a regular face wash and lotion because I only realized AFTER I got into the shower that my nice Younique stuff was inconveniently located in the other room) you can clearly see the bags and winkles despite my best effort with my drug store foundation and concealer to hide them (I have yet to get a full sized bottle of our foundation *sad face*).unsure emotico10pm and though I'm utterly exhausted, I look like a fresh faced teenager coming off of a 12 hour sleep.
The serum itself is a liquid which surprised me because I was expecting some sort of cream and my skin even feels lifted but in a natural way. Not a I-just-put-wax-on-my-face-and-glued-it-smooth, kind of way. And the even better part is, you only need a couple of drops so a bottle will last ages! I am now convinced every woman (and man!) in the world must have this!!! Same goes for the rest of the skin care range because those products are equally as wonderful--reviews to follow. I'm saving up my points to buy the whole lot before I get anything else! Follow the link to go directly to the Uplift Eye Serum
Pictures below: The ONLY editing I did was the writing :)

And here's a happy close up so you can see the after results even better

smile emoticon

Monday 11 January 2016

My Younique Journey: Day 2 and 3

Ok so yesterday was Sunday so I didn't actively do a lot but I had the excitement of actually making money in my sleep! My first port of call every day is to visit my site and check my orders (you know, just in case) and low and behold I had gotten a big order from a customer in the states (I'm based in the UK but I'm American)! That was literally the best feeling ever. I know there's so much hype around this possibility but I didn't believe that it happened to people starting out like me or would happen often. I'll update you more on the frequency of this phenom as I progress. I must admit, when I checked this morning I was more than a little disappointed it hadn't happened again. BUT it's only day 3 and I'm still expanding my client base and working hard on putting my name out there. So, if you are reading this, I would greatly appreciate if you would post my link on your site, blog, facebook, or tell your friends! I thank you from the bottom of my heart in advance and can't wait to share the rest of my journey with you!

Click below for links to my various social media accounts and website!

website: Younique by Jenneal

Follow me on Facebook!

Follow me on Twitter!

Follow me on Pinterest!

Follow me on Instagram!

Subscribe on Youtube!

My Younique Journey: Day 1

I have been busy busy busy!!! I have spent an entire day on marketing myself and getting my name out there on every social media platform I can think of!! Having done MLM before, I was ready for this to be hard..... really hard but it wasn't at all! After a day of selling, I am only $8 away from official White Status which is very exciting! And I am really enjoying the social networking side of it as well which I wasn't sure about at first since I'm not great with computers :)


There is no minimum threshold for commission
You get paid within 3 hours of a sale
The products are fantastic and you don't really have to do any selling at all
You get wonderful support, encouragement, and help from your team members. It's more like a family than a job :)

Haven't found any yet but I'll keep you posted!!

Friday 8 January 2016

Younique Lash Virtual Party! Ends Jan 18, 2016!!!!

Hello, my name is Jenneal and I am a White Status Younique Presenter. Being a stay-at-home mother of 2 and a full time biochemistry student keeps me pretty busy and that's when I had the best idea ever. I absolutely love younique's Moodstruck Fiber 3D Lash Mascara and have been using it for a year now. I naturally have very short, light eyelashes and no matter how much mascara I'd put on, I could never get them as long as I wanted. I dreamed of getting lash extensions but, WOW, they were expensive and only last a couple of weeks! That's when my mom introduced me to younique and this mascara is really as amazing as everyone says. I was super skeptical especially since I had tried other fiber mascaras before and all they did was shed little fibers into my eyes and messed up my contacts. I am so glad that I finally agreed to see what 'all the fuss was about' and would never buy anything else. It lasts a long time too! So, when one of my friend's became a presenter,, I wondered why I had never thought of it before! Uh yeah sure I'll spend my free time browsing and telling the world about something I love and get paid for it! Because, let's face it, I was doing the same thing already but for free!!!

So, here's the link and happy shopping!!

Jenneal's younique lash virtual party!