Thursday 30 June 2016

It's Not The Critic Who Counts

Hey you guys!! It's been a while and once again, I have been busy with school and coaching other people in their online endeavors which I am absolutely loving. I really enjoy helping other people achieve their dreams and I have undergone soooo much training to be able to do this. One thing about network marketing is that most people try to recruit as many people into their business as possible. This can work but if you look at the numbers for top earners in the industry, some have teams of less than 50 and some have teams of more than 200! The thing that both of them have in common is that both of these have around 10 people on their team that are responsible for helping them succeed. The other people are part-time network marketers who have smaller goals for their business and a few of them have given up on their business-- which is not a problem at all. Network marketing isn't for everyone. It takes a special kind of person who is willing to believe in themselves no matter what obstacles or negativity step into their path. You have to be highly self motivated and have an unwavering desire to succeed. I truly believe that everyone has this quality somewhere inside them but all too often, we decided to take the easier route instead of facing the fear of failure. But do you want to know a secret? As long as you keep moving forward and taking small steps each day, you honestly cannot fail. Let me say that again so it has a chance to really sink in. You have to do something each and every day that's going to get you closer to achieving your goal.Whether it's business or personal, we ALL have goals and dreams. It saddens me when I see other people giving up on their dreams when they are so much closer than they would ever realize.

I did that once.... gave up on my dream. I was in college to get my degree in biochemistry. Ever since I was 16 years old, that had been my dream. College was a major shock for me. My chemistry professor didn't go over any of the material and the full time class load with a double major in psychology was too much for me especially as I had been going through some medical issues. I was not doing well at all in chemistry. In fact, I was failing. This was a new experience for me and taking on a lot wasn't anything new in my life. I was the kind of student that everyone loves to hate. Overachiever, often the teacher's pet, quiet, focused on learning, not many friends, shy, and determined. My senior year, I found out that many of my peers thought I was completely stuck up since I rarely talked to anyone. That couldn't have been further than the truth! I had debilitating social anxiety and didn't even know how to strike up a conversation with another human being. I would talk to you if you talked to me first, but no one wants to get to know someone like that and I can't say that I can blame them. My home life wasn't the best so overloading my schedule and keeping myself too busy to think kept me occupied and out of the house. I played the piano in zero hour jazz band (did you know that there were classes that started before school officially started for the day?!), I was in the concert band, pep band, played piano for the choir and drama club when they needed someone, I was a junior varsity cheerleader (I thought it would help me make friends and it kind of did), I had piano lessons after school once a week, and I was in horse 4-H (it's a horse club where you learn about horses and ride them etc). Not only was I in 4-H, I was in several groups within 4-H! Trail, jumping, horsebowl (like a quiz team but for horse topics haha), and I did lots of horse shows. Looking back I do not know how I even lived through all of that!!

I sound like the least likely person to succeed in a business that requires me being out of my comfort zone and striking up conversations with new people every single day, don't I?! And I am telling you now that every single day, I overcome anxiety and not only speak to complete strangers but do youtube videos and speak with people on the phone to help them get over their obstacles. You see, this is more than a job until I graduate with my degree in 2 years! That's right, I did go back to school-- online. Full time. While being a full time mommy and working basically 2 online businesses. I am still that insufferable overachiever and I can't help it. I do now know when to stop pushing myself though and when to not be too hard on myself. If I (and millions of other people) can succeed in living their dreams then what's stopping you? You can do anything that millions of other people can do. No one has special advantages and secrets that you don't have. Some people are further in their journey and have more knowledge and contacts but that's an advantage for YOU! Why? Because when you're the first person to ever do something, there's no one to go to for help or advice. There are no success stories to keep you motivated. It just you. You and your belief that things will work out with no facts or statistics to back it up. Going against all odds and having people laugh in your face when you fail. Yes, you may experience some of this but start surrounding yourself with like-minded people and the words of critics won't reach your ears. You are enough. Believe it. Live it. Know it. And the world will too.  

Today, I leave you with this excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt's 1910 speech given in Paris called "Citizenship In A Republic" (excerpt entitled "The Man in the Arena"). It's one of my favorites. and gives me strength when I'm wavering:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 

As always, if you found value in this post drop me a comment below or connect with me on Younique by Jenneal Facebook Page!

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